なぜ城ふぇす!?  Why? Now? Shiro-fes!?


 時空超越楽市 城ふぇす 開催告知PV 

PV announcing the event


時空超越楽市 城ふぇす 開会宣言
Opening Declaration
English translations are provided below.
 2023年:令和五年 11 月 3 日(祝)文化の日「時空超越楽市 城ふぇす」

日本の歴史を振り返ると「戦」などで情勢が悪化し、疲弊した村 と⺠や市場を助け、所轄地域の経済発展と人流活性を目的に 「楽市楽座」が興されたそうですからね。

パンデミック後の現代に新しいルネサンス=再生と復活を目指し て、日本人が綿々と継続してきた歴史史実と文化を再評価する 「新しい楽市」=「シン楽市」をつくろう!と2人でイベントに 仕立てる運びとなりました。



手仕事と和骨董や着物を愛で再評価する「時空超越楽市 城ふぇす」是非ともご来場くださいませ~~


オリジナル読切漫画「城ふぇす奮闘記 二人と2人」も絶賛創作中です。 今からお披露目が楽しみです。

日本人が綿々と紡いできた手仕事の和物文化を再評価しつつ改めて世界に誇れる独自の生活様式文化として愛でる、祝う、引き継ぐ新しいお祭り11月3日・祝日・文化の日、小平中央公園でお会いできること楽しみにして開催宣言とさせていただ きます。

[Why? Now? Shiro-fes!?]
November 3 (National Holiday) Japanese Culture Day
" Space-time transcendence pleasure market Shiro-festival."
This new event will be held as a " New Market to Re-evaluate Japanese Culture of Handicraft Artists and Japanese Antiques " with the core of the plan to " Creating a virtual castle town on the site of an Edo Period falconry site and its origin."

Looking back on Japanese history, it is said that "rakuichi rakuza" was established in order to help exhausted villages, communities, and markets, and to promote economic development and human flow in the area under its jurisdiction when the situation worsened due to "war" and "pandemic" other factors.

Aiming for a new renaissance in the post-pandemic era, let's create a "new rakuichi" or "shin-rakuichi" to re-evaluate the historical facts and culture that the Japanese people have continued to maintain over time!
We decided to create a "Shin-rakuichi" (new market) to reevaluate the historical facts and culture that the Japanese people have continued to maintain.

We have carefully selected 60 groups of handcraft artists and workshops, Japanese antiques and antique stores, Japanese tea-house style store provide food and drink (beer and sake and snack stalls), and coffee shop ,handmade-food,sweets,and more. On-stage programand are dancers, singers, and performers who have resonated and sympathized with this idea.

The event is open to everyone who is interested in incorporating handmade and old-fashioned goods into their daily lives, as well as to history buffs, Japanese goods lovers, manga fans, anime fans, cosplay fans, families with children, single people, couples on a date, and intelligent senior citizens!

We look forward to seeing you there!

We are also in the process of creating an original manga, "Shiro-fes Struggle: Two and Two" to great acclaim. We are looking forward to unveiling it now.

We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a new festival in Kodaira Central Park on November 3, a national holiday, Japanese Culture Day, to celebrate, to take over, and to appreciate the Japanese handcraft culture that we Japanese have been weaving for centuries.

城ふぇす実行委員会 代表
トウキョウジョウ:藤山憤頭 https://www.instagram.com/fnzjoe/
ハンサムジャンク企画:関博弥 https://www.instagram.com/loveandpepsi/

